andrea -it actually is looking like she’ll be getting glasses soon 🙁ReplyCancel
October 3, 2012 - 7:33 pm
Bailey -I’m not sure that obsessed is a strong enough word to express how I feel about your blog. I’ve been doing ‘photography’ with my point and shoot, and am FINALLY upgrading to a DSLR soon! Your photographs inspire me to take photographs of the every day things. I enjoy looking at all of your photos.
You truly are amazing.
Thank you for letting us into your life.
Amy S - haha, I wonder if any other child has ever had their photo taken in this situation! so cute.
andrea - haha, how could i not bust out the iphone at this?? 😉
Stacy - I did the same image last year BUT my kid was 12 at the time LOL
Nina - This is SO very awesome!! Love it! 🙂
andrea - thanks nina!!
Coryann - how is her eyesight?
andrea - it actually is looking like she’ll be getting glasses soon 🙁
Bailey - I’m not sure that obsessed is a strong enough word to express how I feel about your blog. I’ve been doing ‘photography’ with my point and shoot, and am FINALLY upgrading to a DSLR soon! Your photographs inspire me to take photographs of the every day things. I enjoy looking at all of your photos.
You truly are amazing.
Thank you for letting us into your life.
andrea - thank you so much bailey 🙂 so happy to hear you’ve been inspired to document your own daily life too. you won’t regret it! xo.