Category Archives: daddy

missing the big kiddos like crazy already, and working on the slowest internet i’ve seen in a decade or so, but we made it to tofino safe and sound! looking forward to a couple days of exploring and photographing a beautiful wedding out here on the island ๐Ÿ™‚

this is what eight hours of midway perfection looks like. rides, hot dogs, sno cones, visiting the exhibition, baby naps, prizes won by daddy, mini donuts and cotton candy. we followed it up with a couple of long baths ๐Ÿ˜‰ it was a very good day.

thank you to telus for inviting us to k days 2014! we loved checking out the world of wonder exhibit and even won a prize in the canada trivia game ๐Ÿ™‚ i’m giving out two free passes over on instagram — contest closes july 24 at noon!