Category Archives: on repeat

blue rodeo

seven years ago today i married my best friend. we danced to this song. everyone cheered.

thanks for sharing in this crazy adventure with me mister hanki.

“…and i want all the world to know, that your love’s all i need.”

damien jurado

a friend shared this on facebook last night and i listened to it at least a dozen times. i think that might just qualify as ‘on repeat’ ๐Ÿ™‚

the magnetic fields

spending lots of time with my younger (and much hipper) sister (in law) leads to a lot of new music on the pinksugarland playlist. thanks kat ๐Ÿ™‚

mumford and sons (simon and garfunkle cover)

li has loved the original version since she was wee (she thinks the li-la-li‘s are about her…) and this new cover has quickly become a new favourite around these parts.


for anyone who saw friday’s post, it will likely come as no surprise that this is the song we’re hearing most frequently around these parts the past little while — we’ve been reliving that camping trip over and over ๐Ÿ™‚

happy monday everyone!!