Leslie -Hey girl! What jumparoo is that? We’re looking for one to get Kiele!ReplyCancel
March 11, 2012 - 8:12 pm
andrea -fisher price rainforest jumperoo. it’s lila’s old one so i’m not absolutely sure if you can still buy them or if there is a different model now, but both kiddos love[d] it!!ReplyCancel
March 12, 2012 - 4:25 am
Nina-I love the play on the light and shadows. Oh, and I would also like to nom on his legs. Too cute!ReplyCancel
March 12, 2012 - 8:18 pm
andrea -scrumptious little thighs aren’t they? 😉ReplyCancel
March 12, 2012 - 9:46 am
Christine-Alice has also discovered the awesomeness that is the jumperoo! Adorable photos of those adorable little legs.ReplyCancel
March 12, 2012 - 8:17 pm
andrea -yes!! more places to stow the babies during our next crafternoon 😉ReplyCancel
Leslie - Hey girl! What jumparoo is that? We’re looking for one to get Kiele!
andrea - fisher price rainforest jumperoo. it’s lila’s old one so i’m not absolutely sure if you can still buy them or if there is a different model now, but both kiddos love[d] it!!
Nina - I love the play on the light and shadows. Oh, and I would also like to nom on his legs. Too cute!
andrea - scrumptious little thighs aren’t they? 😉
Christine - Alice has also discovered the awesomeness that is the jumperoo! Adorable photos of those adorable little legs.
andrea - yes!! more places to stow the babies during our next crafternoon 😉