andrea-she will turn 5 in november. the cut off here for kindergarten is halfway through the year.ReplyCancel
February 22, 2013 - 3:54 pm
Amy-yayyy! So exciting. Also, a little sad, no?
kids growing up… its so hard. haha, well to me, anyways.ReplyCancel
February 22, 2013 - 4:09 pm
julia [life on churchill]-oh I love it! my son’s registration night for kindergarten was last night. so many mixed emotions about next year!ReplyCancel
February 22, 2013 - 5:30 pm
Christine-you got in! I was worried about lila after what I heard on the news about all those full schools!
This makes me emotional just thinking about when this day comes. why do they have to grow so fast??? congrats, li, you’re going to kill it at kindergarten 🙂ReplyCancel
February 22, 2013 - 5:35 pm
andrea -oh there is no guarantee she’s in — we just brought in the paperwork. they still don’t even know if there is going to be kindergarten at the two schools… ugh.ReplyCancel
February 22, 2013 - 11:07 pm
carla -i’m all emotional!! what a day indeed! i was just working our open house at school and was all teary every time a prospective k student and parents came in! eeeeeep.ReplyCancel
February 24, 2013 - 3:46 pm
fiona-well… it goes without saying that she will be the best dressed kindergardener in um.. all of Canada… 🙂ReplyCancel
Dana - that’s impossible…she cannot be registering for kindergarten.
andrea - haha, just so you know dana, i’ve been holding it together pretty well until your comment just came through. impossible indeed.
Jen Wright - She has to be one of the coolest kids EVER! So envy her wardrobe. 🙂
Lauren - oh li, you big girl. seems like just yesterday we were giving you a paint roller as a present. how far we’ve come…
hugs to you both. big day for everyone!
Nina - Aww! So crazy that it’s already that time! <3
leah - what?!! tell me it isn’t so! love her. and you!
Cory - No way! How old is Lila?
andrea - she will turn 5 in november. the cut off here for kindergarten is halfway through the year.
Amy - yayyy! So exciting. Also, a little sad, no?
kids growing up… its so hard. haha, well to me, anyways.
julia [life on churchill] - oh I love it! my son’s registration night for kindergarten was last night. so many mixed emotions about next year!
Christine - you got in! I was worried about lila after what I heard on the news about all those full schools!
This makes me emotional just thinking about when this day comes. why do they have to grow so fast??? congrats, li, you’re going to kill it at kindergarten 🙂
andrea - oh there is no guarantee she’s in — we just brought in the paperwork. they still don’t even know if there is going to be kindergarten at the two schools… ugh.
carla - i’m all emotional!! what a day indeed! i was just working our open house at school and was all teary every time a prospective k student and parents came in! eeeeeep.
fiona - well… it goes without saying that she will be the best dressed kindergardener in um.. all of Canada… 🙂
Cass - She is just SO beautiful.