andrea -thanks! i just picked up a frame today so hopefully by next week or so i will actually have some art on the walls in at least one room in the house 😉ReplyCancel
September 1, 2013 - 7:19 pm
Kim -Where did you find those precious dinosaurs??? Adorable!ReplyCancel
September 4, 2013 - 12:31 pm
andrea -i found these locally, but they are called topozoo!ReplyCancel
Christine - awww, I can totally hear that cute roar.
p.s. the print looks good!
andrea - thanks! i just picked up a frame today so hopefully by next week or so i will actually have some art on the walls in at least one room in the house 😉
Kim - Where did you find those precious dinosaurs??? Adorable!
andrea - i found these locally, but they are called topozoo!